The challenge of moving the world with less carbon

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When our forefathers figured out a way to mine and burn fossil fuel to run machines, they built a network connecting all corners of the planet. Moving goods and people is now easier, faster, and cheaper than it has ever been before. Every one of us is a node in a wide transport network and a demand point in a global supply chain.

Decarbonization in the Construction Sector

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Carbonization can be defined as converting organic and solid substances into carbon-containing emissions, affecting the environment. The gas produced through the carbonization of the materials like steel or timber creates deadly effects on human health and the environment (Hu et al., 2010). The emphasis of the study is entirely based on the construction industry determining the effects of carbonization of the materials used, including steel, timber, and sand. Hence, the study will provide an in-depth analysis of the strategic implementation of decarbonization in the construction sector to mitigate the effects of carbon emissions that affect the environment and human health (Farooq et al., 2019).