Only One Digital Identity & You Own All The Information

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The government guarantees issued official documents, and it effectively takes the role of the guarantor of the documents’ validity. However, traditional ID documents are not easy to use in a digital context, which brings us to acknowledge the importance of digital identity, which can fulfil the need for verifiable personal information while allowing users to bridge the gap between the online and the real world.

Review of Modern Trends in Water Production, Purification, and Management

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Climatic changes resulting from ominous human activities and excessive use of freshwater resources have adversely affected the quality and the quantity of the groundwater reserves. Access to potable water is getting limited globally, specifically across the Middle East and North Africa. Moreover, due to the presence of toxic pollutants freshwater shortage is also felt in Central and Western European countries and Latin America (Bundschuh et al., 2021). The population boom has exacerbated the water deficiency to a further dwindling level of below 1500 m3 per year (per person availability), which is far below the minimum essential standards.

Blockchain and Circular Economy

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Nowadays Circular Economy is mostly linked to anything, at the centre of many international debates, but what is it specifically?

Despite our actual Linear Economy, where production systems end with the disposal of dangerous waste, a Circular Economy aims to reduce most of the waste, converting it into an available resource that can be reused as secondary raw material in the production process. Every product or output, from the moment it is manufactured to the moment of its actual use, is optimized until the end of its life cycle. In this way, it is possible to recover and reuse all (or almost) the waste material as a starting point in another production chain.

The idea of a global Alliance for Carbon Reduction & Avoidance

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4 weeks before COP26 in Glasgow. The belief that the world leaders will actually act has long vanished. But one thought comes up. Would it not be great if the climate crisis would be solved by an alliance of people, institutions and companies, that are willing to take actual steps toward a carbon-free economy and world?


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The solutions are there. All! All over!
The fight against climate change does not depend on the availability of solutions, but on the willingness and political will to identify and implement new solutions.


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The Conclusion
Only if people can gain financial benefit from reducing GHG emissions, will they start to effectively reduce their ecological footprint.


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The components of the strategy to finally take the fight against climate change seriously are simple in themselves. However, that doesn’t mean that the world’s governments and stakeholders want to use them.

Climate Crisis Series

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In this blog series, I asked people with specific expertise in their respective fields to write articles for me based on the questions I formulated. This resulted in short summaries and blog articles about what we have to understand as problematic in the area of climate, what we can expect from future climate development, what solutions there are in different areas and what we may have to do about it.

Alternative Farming

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Alternative farming is defined as production systems that do not use conventional methods of agriculture. (1) Alternative agriculture, sustainable agriculture, organic farming, regenerative agriculture and low-input agriculture are terms that loosely denote both a philosophy of farming and a set of farming practices.

“Alternative farming systems seek to significantly reduce or to avoid entirely, the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, and other agricultural chemicals.